About Bethel Ambulance
Our Mission is to serve our community to the absolute best of our abilities, providing excellent care with progressive training and equipment. Bethel Community Ambulance, until recently, was 100% staffed by volunteers with the high percentage of the coverage still provided by volunteers. We currently have 20 active Volunteers.
Company Overview
We provide BLS Emergency services to our surrounding area primarily in Berks County but assist in Lebanon County.
The Bethel Community Ambulance was formed on October 10, 1949. The first ambulance was a 1942 Ford, army type vehicle with black out lights. It was housed in the basement of Hunsicker’s auction House until May 30, 1953, at which time it was housed in the new Bethel American Legion Post 991 building on Old 22 and Legion Drive.
On November 5th, 1956 the Bethel Community Ambulance was incorporated, with Leon Deck Post 991 American Legion and Blue Mountain Post 9234, Veterans of Foreign Wars being the sponsors. In January of 1991 the VFW Post voted to withdraw from the ambulance corporation.
On January 8th, 1992 it was approved to buy a track of land along Rt. 501 (Lancaster Ave.) from Moses G. Burkholder for the future site of a new ambulance building. In January of 1994 a contract for the new building was awarded to Lee Bashore Contractor. The two ambulances were moved to the new building on April 3rd 1995. On October 21, 1995 the new ambulance building was dedicated, with a ribbon cutting ceremony and open house.
In April 1999 it was decided to build second station in Bernville area. September 1999 bought track of land from Mr. Todisco. In June of 2000 the building committee was formed. Starting in December of 2000 the ambulance unit was housed at Bernville borough building along with a trailer for the crew as temporary facilities until new building was built.
On July 17, 2001 the building contract was awarded to Dean Kegerreis. Construction on the building began in November of 2001. On May 11, 2002 the Bethel Community Ambulance Station 2 was open. Due to a lack of crew members Station 2 was closed in. It is still owned by the Bethel Community Ambulance organization.